Monday, June 22, 2009

2.Project Meeting "09 Jun 2009"

In the morning we went to Maerdy Infants School. The kids gave us a very warm welcome in their traditional costumes.We were touched by their amazing show. Then we gave them the small gifts we brought from our countries.

After the show we looked over the parts of the school. We met and had a chat with the shool staff, parents and administrators from the other schools around.

In the lunch time we tasted the delicious Welsh food in the buffet.

We had our tea and coffee with the delicious Welsh cakes which later on Sandra gave us the recipie of it.

In the afternoon Dawn made a presentation named “The Foundation Phase” in the computer lab. We thank her for the brilliant presentation. The presentation will also took place on our blog. After seeing the school we had a trip to the nearest 4 valleys. Steven, who had profoud knowledge about the environment, acompanied us during our trip. Janet offered us the delicious Welsh ice-cream which we loved a lot.

At night, we had traditional Welsh meal at the Heritage Park Hotel. We thank our Welsh friends for that delicious diner.

The conversation we made during and after the dinner had strengthen our friendship.