Saturday, September 12, 2009

Aims and Objectives (edited)



Aim : Ability to do movements that require eye-hand coordination

  • Can use some tools that require hand skills.
  • Can put the objects together in a way to create new shapes.
  • Can draw pictures by using different materials.
  • Can draw the shapes by using different tools.
  • Can fold the various materials in different ways.
  • Can cut the materials in required qualities.
  • Can glue the materials in required qualities.


Aim: Ability to realize own feelings

  • Can tell his feelings.
  • Can express his feelings through music, dance, drama, etc.

Aim: Ability to motivate oneself

  • Can start doing something by himself.
  • Struggles to finish his work.

Aim : Ability to realize other’s feelings

  • Can express the other’s feelings.
  • Can share the other’s feelings.

Aim : Ability to understand the social life

  • Can tell the different roles of a person.
  • Can tell the characteristics of his culture.

Aim : Ability to create objects with aesthetic value

  • Can present original poem, story, song, etc.
  • Can develop original products in visual arts.
  • Can present his products in various ways.
  • Can use real or imaginary objects in his presentations.


Aim : Ability to express oneself verbally

  • Can tell his feelings, ideas and dreams.
  • Can explain his feelings, ideas and dreams in creative ways.
  • Can report on own experiences
  • Can outline what is happening in simple terms

Aim : Ability to read visual materials

  • Can talk about his day by using visual materials


Aim : Ability to understand the information about oneself and family

  • Knows his/her house number
  • Knows his/her street
  • Can explain the information about the family members.

Aim : Ability to describe events and objects

  • Can discuss the type of home in which he/she lives
  • Can tell the features of the events or objects
  • Can compare the features of the events or objects.

Aim : Ability to remember the things perceived

  • Can express the event or an object again after some time.
  • Recall sequences of events and routines

Aim : Ability to associate cause-result relation about certain aspects and events

  • Can tell the possible causes of a certain event.
  • Can tell the possible results of a certain event.

Aim : Ability to associate relation between the concepts of time

  • Can tell the events in the order of happening
  • Can differentiate between day and night
  • Is able to match the times of the day to specific activities
  • Knows yesterday was the day before
  • Knows tomorrow is the day after
  • Knows the names of the days of the week
  • Knows the order of the days of the week

Aim : Ability to solve problem

  • Can offer several formulas for the problem.
  • Can choose the appropriate formula


Aim : Ability to carry out the cleaning rules

  • Can use the cleaning items correctly.
  • Takes responsibility of personal hygiene
  • Keeps his environment clean.



Aim : Ability to do movements that require eye-hand coordination

  • Can pour the objects from one container to another.
  • Can fold the various materials in different ways.
  • Can cut the materials in required qualities.
  • Can use the kitchen tools properly

Aim : Ability to do movements by using gross motor skills

  • Can carry the objects in different weights
  • Can walk a proper distance by carrying the objects in different weights.

Aim : Ability to do movements by using fine motor skills

  • Can shape the materials with hands.


Aim : Ability to motivate oneself

  • Struggles to finish his work.
  • Starts doing something by himself.
  • Concentrates for lengthening periods when inappropriate tasks
  • Explore and experiment confidently with new learning opportunities

Aim : Ability to manage the relations with the others

  • Is willing to take responsibility in the group
  • Accomplishes his responsibilities
  • Interact positively with a number of children
  • Helps younger children
  • Can learn from older children
  • Interact with the adult who leads the activity
  • Acknowledge the need for help and seek help when needed


Aim : Ability to express oneself verbally

  • Responds to simple instructions
  • Is able to express a request independently

Aim : Ability to enlarge vocabulary

  • Realize the new words while listening.
  • Name the kitchen utensils


Aim : Ability to describe events and objects

  • Is able to describe and name a range of different foods
  • Understands that some food comes from plants and some food from animals

Aim : Ability to measure the objects

  • Compare heavy and light
  • Differentiate between full and empty
  • Compare two different containers that hold more
  • Understand the language of size

Aim : Ability to do simple addition and subtraction with the objects

  • Can do simple addition and subtraction by using the ingredients

Aim : Ability to associate cause-result relation about certain aspects and events

  • Understands that food and water are essential for living
  • Understands that certain food are good for you


Aim : Ability to carry out the cleaning rules

  • Take responsibility for personal hygiene
  • Take responsibility for selecting and clearing away own materials
  • Behave acceptably at mealtimes
  • Careful about the cleaning of the food.
  • Aware of the healthy and non-healthy food

Aim : Ability to protect oneself from the accidents and dangerous situations

  • Can tell the dangerous situations.
  • Stay away from the dangerous situations.
  • Ask for help in the time of danger.



Aim : Ability to do coordinated movements

  • Can do coordinated and rhythmic movements
  • Shows willingness, appropriate behaviour and enjoyment when participating in musical activities- vocal and instrumental
  • Is able to use a steady beat whilst singing, clapping, tapping or using percussion instruments


Aim : Ability to realize own feelings

  • Can express his feelings through music, dance, drama, etc.

.Aim : Ability to create objects with aesthetic value

  • Can walk and dance with aesthetic movements.
  • Imitates and learns simple rhythmic sounds and melodic patterns
  • Creates, selects and arranges sounds in response to various stimuli
  • Enjoys and appreciates live and recorded music


Aim : Ability to distinguish the sounds

  • Can copy the given sounds.
  • Demonstrates the ability to hear
  • Conveys accurately a simple phrase or rhyme
  • Recognizes rhyming words

Aim : Ability to use voice correctly while talking

  • Can use his breath correctly.
  • Can pronounce the words correctly

Aim : Ability to enlarge vocabulary

    • Can realise the new words while listening.
    • Asks the meanings of the new words.


Aim : Ability to concentrate

    • Focus attention on the music.
    • Understand that all living things should be treated with care, respect and concern
    • Respond positively to a range of new cultural and linguistic experiences



Aim : Ability to do coordinated movements

  • Can run according to the given instructions
  • Can throw and catch the objects
  • Combine dancing with the rules of a game
  • Imitate animals physical movements
  • Keep in balance
  • Play in parallel alongside other children
  • Is able to use basic body actions
  • Is able to use a steady beat whilst singing, clapping or tapping


Aim : Ability to manage the relations with the others

  • Can start the communication by himself.
  • Is willing to take responsibility in the group
  • Show respect to the others’ and his rights.
  • Obey the rules in the group.
  • Play associatively, sometimes planning play sequences
  • Take turns, share and begin to exercise self control
  • Is confident in a large space

Aim : Ability to indulge

  • Accepts that he can make mistakes.
  • Tells his mistakes.


Aim : Ability to use voice correctly while talking

Can use his breath correctly.

Can pronounce the words correctly

Aim : Ability to express oneself verbally

  • Uses speech to describe someone or something
  • Be able to portray a character in role play
  • Tell a simple story
  • Is able to understand a simple story
  • Responds to instructions and sounds

Aim : Ability to associate relation between the concepts of time

  • Sequences a known story


Aim : Ability to remember the things perceived

  • Recognizes and identifies actions through observation.
  • remember rhymes, rhythms and lyrics and use them in future play

Aim : Ability to focus

  • Concentrate for lengthening periods when involved in appropriate tasks
  • follow the rules of a game


Aim : Ability to protect himself from the accidents and dangerous situations

  • Can tell the dangerous situations.
  • Stays away from the dangerous situations.

Friday, September 11, 2009

First year report

In the first year of our Project, we shared the information like; the country where we live , the institution where we work , technical facilities. We implemented the blog,, to publish the facilities we will perform. We have set the aims and objectives for the activities which we will perform during the Project. We decided the base of the program by which we wil assess our students and the content and the outlook of the report which will be given at the end of the two activities.

We didn’t have any problems during our work. We had a strong and continuous communication via inernet and technology.

3.Project Meeting 03.08-08.08/2009

In August 2009, Mehmet Ayar, the Generel manager of Mimar Sinan Schools and İncihan Kıvrık, the Coadministrator of Leap, visited the Maerdy Infants School.

We thank all our partners for their friendship and help.

3.Project Meeting (Turkey & Wales)


Itinerary for August 2009.

Comenius Aims Objectives_Funda



Aim 2: Ability to do movements that require eye-hand coordination

Objective 7: He can use some tools that require hand skills.

Objective 8: He can put the objects together in a way to create new shapes.

Objective 9: He can draw pictures by using different materials.

Objective 11: He can draw the shapes by using different tools.

Objective 12: He can fold the various materials in different ways.

Objective 13: He can cut the materials in required qualities.

Objective 14: He can glue the materials in required qualities.

Objective 15: He can tie up the objects with different materials.


Aim 2: Ability to realise oneself feelings

Objective 1: He can tell his feelings.

Objective 4: He can express his feelings through music, dance, drama, etc.

Aim 4: Ability to motivate oneself

Objective 1: He can start doing something by himself.

Objective 2: He struggles to finish his work.

Aim 5: Ability to realize other’s feelings

Objective 1: He can express other’s feelings.

Objective 2: He can share other’s feelings.

Aim 10: Ability to understand the social life

Objective 2: He can tell the different roles of a person.

Objective 3: He can tell the characteristics of his culture.

Aim 11: Ability to create objects with aesthetic value

Objective 2: He can present original poem, story, song, etc.

Objective 4: He can develop original products in visual arts.

Objective 7: He can present his products in several ways.

Objective 8: He can use real or imaginary objects in his presentations.


Aim 4: Ability to express oneself verbally

Objective 6: He can tell his feelings, ideas and dreams.

Objective 7: He can explain his feelings, ideas and dreams in creative ways.

Aim 8: Ability to read visual materials

Objective 5: He can develop compositions like an event or story by using visual materials.


Aim 1: Ability to understand the information about oneself and family

Objective 1: He can explain the information about himself.

Objective 2: He can explain the information about the family members.

Aim 2: Ability to describe events and objects

Objective 1: He can tell the features of the events or objects

Objective 2: He can compare the features of the events or objects.

Aim 4: Ability to remember the things perceived

Objective 9: He can express the event or an object again after some time.

Aim 16: Ability to associate cause-result relation about certain aspects and events

Objective 1: He can tell the possible causes of a certain event.

Objective 2: He can tell the possible results of a certain event.

Aim 17: Ability to associate relation between the concepts of time

Objective 1: He can tell the events in the order of happening

Aim 18: Ability to solve problem

Objective 2: He can offer several formulas for the problem.

Objective 3: He can choose the appropriate formula


Aim 1: Ability to carry out the cleaning rules

Objective 1: He can use the cleaning items correctly.

Objective 2: He can clean his hands, face and the other parts of his body.

Objective 5: He can keep the items at school and home clean and tidy.

Objective 7: He can keep his environment clean.



Aim 2: Ability to do movements that require eye-hand coordination

Objective 2: He can pour the objects from one container to another.

Objective 12: He can fold the various materials in different ways.

Objective 13: He can cut the materials in required qualities.

Aim 3: Ability to do movements by using gross motor skills

Objective 3: He can carry the objects in different weights

Objective 5: He can walk a proper distance by carrying the objects in different weights.

Aim 4: Ability to do movements by using fine motor skills

Objective 4: He can shape the materials with hands.


Aim 2: Ability to realise oneself feelings

Objective 1: He can tell his feelings.

Objective 2: He can explain the causes of his feelings

Aim 4: Ability to motivate oneself

Objective 2: He struggles to finish his work.

Objective 1: He can start doing something by himself.

Aim 6: Ability to manage the relations with the others

Objective 3: He is willing to take responsibility in the group

Objective 4: He accomplishes his responsibilities

Aim 10: Ability to understand the social life

Objective 3: He can tell the characteristics of his culture.

Objective 4: He can tell the certain features of the different cultures.


Aim 4: Ability to express oneself verbally

Objective 1: He sets eye contact while listening and speaking.

Objective 2: He joins in the chat.

Aim 6: Ability to enlarge vocabulary

Objective 1: He can realise the new words while listening.


Aim 2: Ability to describe events and objects

Objective 1: He can tell the features of the events or objects

Aim 3 : Ability to concentrate

Objective 1: He can realize the object, event and state that needs concentration.

Objective 2: He focuses attention on the object, event and state.

Objective 3: He tells the object, event and state that needs concentration.

Aim 8: Ability to measure the objects

Objective 2: He can measure with nonstandard units

Aim 15: Ability to do simple addition and subtraction with he objects

Objective 1: He can add a certain amount of objects into the group of objects.

Objective 2: He can take out a certain amount of objects from the group of objects.

Objective 3: He can do additions by using the objects.

Objective 4: He can do subtraction by us using the objects

Aim 16: Ability to associate cause-result relation about certain aspects and events

Objective 1: He can tell the possible causes of a certain event.

Objective 2: He can tell the possible results of a certain event.

Aim 18: Ability tok solve problems

Objective 1: He can tell what the problem is.

Objective 2: He can offer several formulas for the problem.

Objective 3: He can choose the appropriate formula.

Objective 4: He can try the chosen formulas.

Objective 5: He can decide what the best solution is.

Aim 19: Ability to prepare charts from objects

Objective 1: He can make charts by using the objects.

Objective 2: He can show the objects by the symbols.

Objective 3: He can put the symbols to the frame of the charts

Objective 4: He can count the objects in the charts.

Objective 5: He can tell the results by looking over the chart.


Aim 1: Ability to carry out the cleaning rules

Objective 2: He can clean his hands, face and the other parts of his body.

Objective 4: He is careful about the cleaning of the food.

Objective 7: He can keep his environment clean.

Aim 5: Ability to protect himself from the accidents and dangerous situations

Objective 1: He can tell the dangerous situations.

Objective 2: He stays away from the dangerous situations.

Objective 3: He asks for help in the time of danger.



Aim 1: Ability to do coordinated movements

Objective 13: He can do coordinated and rhythmic movements while using a tool.


Aim 2: Ability to realise oneself feelings

Objective 4: He can express his feelings through music, dance, drama, etc.

Aim 10: Ability to understand the social life

Objective 3: He can tell the characteristics of his culture.

Objective 4: He can tell the certain features of different cultures.

Aim 11: Ability to create objects with aesthetic value

Objective 1: He can walk and dance with aesthetic movements.

Objective 5: He can do rhythm by using various tools.

Objective 6: He can make music by using various voices.


Aim 1: Ability to distinguish the sounds

Objective 4: He can copy the given sounds.

Aim 2: Ability to use voice correctly while talking

Objective 1: He can use his breath correctly.

Objective 2: He can pronounce the words correctly

Objective 3: He can fix his voice in a perceptible way.

Objective 4: He can fix his voice speed

Aim 5: Ability to express the things he listened, in various ways.

Objective 5: He can display the things he listened in different ways like; drawings, music, drama, story etc.

Aim 6: Ability to enlarge vocabulary

Objective 1: He can realise the new words while listening.

Objective 2: He asks the meanings of the new words.


Aim 3 : Ability to concentrate

Objective 1: He can realize the object, event and state that needs concentration.

Objective 2: He focuses attention on the object, event and state.

Objective 3: He tells the object, event and state that needs concentration.

Objective 4: He explains the object, event or the situation in detail.



Aim 1: Ability to do coordinated movements

Objective 5: He can run according to the given instructions

Objective 14: He can catch the thrown objects

Objective 15: He can throw the objects to the target


Aim 6: Ability to manage the relations with the others

Objective 1: He can start the communication by himself.

Objective 3: He is willing to take responsibility in the group

Objective 5: He shows respect to the others’ and his rights.

Objective 10: He obeys the rules in the group.

Aim 7: Ability to indulge

Objective 1: He accepts that he can make mistakes.

Objective 2: He tells his mistakes.


Aim 2: Ability to use voice correctly while talking

Objective 1: He can use his breath correctly.

Objective 2: He can pronounce the words correctly

Objective 3: He can fix his voice in a perceptible way.

Objective 4: He can fix his voice speed .


Aim 3 : Ability to focus

Objective 1: He can realize the object, event and state that needs concentration.

Objective 2: He focuses attention on the object, event and state.

Aim 4: Ability to remember the things perceived

Objective 2: He can tell the colours of the items.

Aim 5: Ability to match the items

Objective 2: He can match the items according to their colours.


Aim 5: Ability to protect himself from the accidents and dangerous situations

Objective 1: He can tell the dangerous situations.

Objective 2: He stays away from the dangerous situations.