Game: “There was a Princess Long Ago…..”
Age- 3-5 years
Personal and Social Development
- Play in parallel alongside other children
- Play associatively, sometimes planning play sequences
- Take turns, share and begin to exercise self control
- Concentrate for lengthening periods when involved in appropriate tasks
- Explore and experiment confidently with new learning opportunities
Linguistic, Literacy and Communication Skills
- The child should be able to talk
- The child’s speech is intelligible
- The child uses speech to describe someone or something
- Be able to portray a character in role play
- Tell a simple story
- Is able to understand a simple story
- Sequences a known story
Creative Development
- Shows willingness, appropriate behaviour and enjoyment when participating in musical activities
- Is able to use a steady beat whilst singing, clapping or tapping
- Enjoys and appreciates live and recorded music
- Responds to instructions and sounds
- Is confident in a large space
- Is able to use basic body actions
- Recognizes and identifies actions through observation.
Cooking activity: Recipes from
Age- 5-7 years
Personal and Social Development
- Concentrate for lengthening periods when inappropriate tasks
- Acknowledge the need for help and seek help when needed
- Explore and experiment confidently with new learning opportunities
- Begin to take responsibility for personal hygiene
- Take responsibility for selecting and clearing away own materials
- Behave acceptably at mealtimes
Linguistic, Literacy and Communication Skills
- Responds to simple instructions
- Is able to express a request independently
Mathematical Development
- Compare heavy and light
- Differentiate between full and empty
- Compare two different containers that hold more
- Understand the language of size
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Understands that food and water are essential for living
- Understands that certain food are good for you
- Is able to describe and name a range of different foods
- Understand that some foods comes from plants and some food from animals
Comenius Song
Age – 5-7 years
Social and Personal Development
- Understand that all living things should be treated with care, respect and concern
- Respond positively to a range of new cultural and linguistic experiences
Linguistic, Literacy and Communication Skills
- Demonstrates the ability to hear
- Conveys accurately a simple phrase or rhyme
- Recognizes rhyming words
Creative Development
- Shows willingness, appropriate behaviour and enjoyment when participating in musical activities- vocal and instrumental
- Is able to use a steady beat whilst singing, clapping, tapping or using percussion instruments
- Imitates and learns simple rhythmic sounds and melodic patterns
- Creates, selects and arranges sounds in response to various stimuli
- Enjoys and appreciates live and recorded music
Cultural Development
- The children can be part of the Comenius Project
Diary – A Day in the Life of…
Age 3-5 years and 5 – 7 years
Personal and Social Development
- Begin to take responsibility of personal hygiene
- Behave acceptable at meal times
- Dress themselves, if given time and encouragement
Linguistic, Literacy and Communication Skills
- Report on own experiences
- Outline what is happening in simple terms
Mathematical Development
- Can differentiate between day and night
- Recall sequences of events and routines
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Can discuss the type of home in which he/she live
- Knows his/her house number
- Knows his/her street
- Knows his/her street
- Knows his/her address
- Is able to match the times of the day to specific activities
- Knows yesterday was the day before
- Knows tomorrow is the day after
- Knows the names of the days of the week
- Knows the order of the days of the week
- Knows the date of his/her birthday